Describe an occasion when you got positive feedback for work that you did Cue Card IELTS
Describe an occasion when you got positive feedback for work that you did
You should say
What you did?
When was it?
Why you got positive feedback?
How you felt about it?
Sample Answer
Well everyone likes to be appreciated and i am not exception. I have been lucky to receive plenty of positive feedbacks on different occasions from my near and dear ones and from others in my life after doing something fabulous. Here i m going to share one such experience when i got valuable feedback for my extraordinary work.
It happened during corona pandemic when owing to the announcement of lockdown, no one was supposed to go out of home. In this situation were seen especially on those masses who were already earning very little, thus living from hand to month. Now they had no any money to buy something to eat. Being a considerate person i decided to help such people with food and other necessary things. As i had set aside some amount of money for my future or emergencies, I used it for helping them. Moreover my family members also supported me a lot. With this money i purchased some food items or other essential commodities and distributed among poor people of my hometown.
Apart from this i gave free masks and sanitizers to them and said them to take care of them in this scary time. They all were extremely happy to get this care and help and thanking me wholeheartedly. Afterwards my loved ones as well as the people of my hometown praised me a lot for this unconditional wonderful work done by me. They were saying that, in this day and age, there are very rare persons who think about other and i am one of them. ( you got positive feedback
Genuinely speaking listening to this, I was feeling proud of myself and on the top of the world simultaneously. Besides, I got motivation for doing such tasks repeatedly in the future.
Describe an occasion when you got positive feedback for work that you did Cue Card IELTS
Follow ups
Q1. Do you like helping others?
ANSWER – Definitely yes. I’m always ready to lend my hand to others because helping others is one of the best virtues and it gives me internal happiness and satisfaction. Moreover, i think it’s my moral responsibility to do something for others.
Q2. In your view should children be taught to help others?
ANSWER – Without a shadow of a doubt, i would say yes because this practice helps them to widen their social circle. Additionally, the sense of brotherhood will develop in their mind. consequently, they will become more polite and gentle in their life.
Q3. How can we encourage children to help others?
ANSWER – I reckon kids can be motivated to being helpful by becoming an example for them. children imitate what their elders do in their daily lives. For instance if parents are ready to help others then their kids will obviously follow their footsteps and will become helpful individuals.
Q4. Do you think people are less willing to help others these days compared to the past?
ANSWER – Indeed no. These days people do more good deeds than in the past because the world has become a global village. Thus, people have ability to support masses in any corner of the world whereas in yester years people used to provide help only to local people and beyond that, it was a herculean task for them, Furthermore, nowadays there are, numerous NGOs offering funds to needy people.
Q5. Do people trust others as much as they used to in the past?
ANSWER – Unfortunately no, actually my elders tell me that life was simpler and slower in the past. People used to trust on each other whereas nowadays it is very difficult to trust anyone because most of the people are fake. Additionally, people think that if they share their secrets with others they will cheat them.