You Should Say:
Where it is?
What it looks like?
What is used for now?
Why you learned there?
And how you felt about this historical building?
Well, exploring different historical buildings is necessary in order to gain knowledge about past events and stay connected with their roots. Even though I have visited a number of historical attractions throughout my life, like the Taj Mahal, the Red Fort, and many more. But here I would like to talk about a historical building that I have been to recently. The name of the historical building is Punjabi Haveli.
If I talk about its location, it is situated in Karnal. Talking about its appearance, it looks like a very old building, and it seems that it has not been painted for a long time, but the structure of the building still looks amazing. When it comes to the question of what it is used for now, I would say it is used as a historical attraction these days. This place also provides a number of services, like dining services and residences, as well as a number of shopping complexes.
If I talk about what I learned there, I learned so many things. The prominent one is that there were many pictures hanging on the walls of the heavens, which represented the lifestyle of the people in the past. Apart from that, there were many dance performances through which I learned about the history of Punjab. Moreover, the dining service is just like the food that they used to serve in the past, with utensils made of clay.
When it comes to my feelings about this historical building I really felt over the moon after visiting such a place because I learned a number of new things and learned about the importance of historical attractions. Moreover, I feel it is a great place to visit because it has a number of services that people should at least try once in a lifetime. All in all, this was the historical attraction to which I went.
Follow up
Q 1. Why do people visit historical places?
Answer – People like to visit historical places for a number of reasons, as some people want to learn about past events, while others love to click traditional as well as old pictures in order to complete their assignments, while some people take it as an entertainment trip.
Q 2. Do Indian people like visiting historical places?
Answer – Yes, Indian people love to visit historical places because they are well aware of their history, and by going there, they can experience the history of their ancestors, as well as feel connected to their roots.
Q 3. Should government fund protection of historical places?
Answer – Without a doubt, government should fund historical attractions for their protection because many tourists come there, so it is a source of revenue for the government as well as generates employment opportunities. Apart from that, when tourists come here, they harm the property of that particular historical building. So, authorities should take care of it in order to pass information from one generation to the next.
Q 4. Is it necessary to protect historical buildings?
Answer – Yes, definitely, it is quite mandatory to protect historical buildings because these are the places that spread history from one generation to the next. Apart from that, they also act as great tourist attractions that help tourists learn about past events. Moreover, it also generates employment, and it is necessary in order to save the heritage of the nation.