Describe a House/Apartment that Someone you know Lives in IELTS Cue Card

Describe a House/Apartment that Someone you know Lives in IELTS Cue Card

Describe a House/Apartment that Someone you know Lives in IELTS Cue Card


Describe a House/Apartment that Someone you know Lives in

You should say:
Whose house/apartment this is?
Where the house/apartment is?
What it looks like inside?
And explain what you like or dislike about this person’s house/apartment.

Sample Answer

Well, It is irrefutable that house is the basic necessity of humans beings and it becomes home with love & affection. Here, I would like to shed some light on an abode where my maternal uncle lives with his family.

Actually, my uncle built this house a decade ago and is situated in the heart of the city. This is a triple storey brick house and red in colour as it’s outer appearance is embellished with red tiles. This house is known as ‘Lal Kothi’ in Batala city means ‘Red appartment/house/bungalow’.

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I really love to visit there because it looks like a shopper’s paradise. The infrastructure of that house is fantabulous as the whole house is adorned with wooden craft. All the rooms are well furnished and all 4 bedrooms have attached washrooms. Apart from this, there is a park beside the house toward North which enhances it’s beauty. Even distinct kind of plants are grown in that part. Whenever, I go there, I often walk in the park in early morning for mind refreshment.

Besides this, in this home, all the rooms are painted in different colours with matching furniture, which give exquisite look to this home and makes it unique. Even, the wooden handrail of the stairs in that abode is splendid. Simply, I can say, this house is like an antique bungalow with modern amenities.

To cap it all, this is the house which belongs to my uncle and i really admire it.

Describe a House/Apartment that Someone you know Lives in


1. Do you think it is better to rent or to buy a place to live in?

According to my perspective, It depends upon the situation of a person. If a person is well capable to purchase a home, he can, But if a person is financially weak, then he should have to go with rented place for living a smooth life. Apart from this, in metropolitan area, individual should live in rental place which suits their pocket well.

2. Are you houses expensive in your nation?

Well, in this modernization era, inflation is it’s peak in my country. so it is not a cup of tea for everyone to purchase or build a new house. only those person can buy a house, who is financially stable. so yes, I can say houses are expensive in my nation.

3. Why don’t some people care about how their home looks?

According to my view point, everyone cares about his/her home look. But there are few situations when they have to show negligence towards their homes such as shortage of time, ample other responsibilities of their work place and many more like this.

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