Question 1. Do you like rainy days? ielts speaking topic rain
Answer – Of course yes, the pitter-patter sound of rain really soothes me. Moreover rain freshens up the atmosphere, everything looks refreshing and amazing. On that day I love to sip a hot tea with spicy snacks and have a whale of a time.
Question 2. Does it rain much in your city?
Answer – Generally, the place where I live, experiences continue rainfall from the month of June to September. But in the rest of the months it rains once in a blue moon. I’d say we get sufficient rainfall.
Question 3. Would you like to live in a wet or dry place?
Answer – Undoubtedly I would go for wet area. Firstly, there will no sweating problem. Secondly in dry places dryness affects our skin negatively. Apart from this a wet weather makes everything look green, energetic and gorgeous, thus we can experience mesmerizing natural beauty.
Question 4. Would you change your plan if it rained?
Answer – Yes, I have rescheduled many of my meetings or trips before on account of rain. When it happens, our excitement about something turns out to be disappointment and infuriation.