IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic: PUZZLES

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic: PUZZLES
IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic: PUZZLES

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic: PUZZLES

Q.1 Did you do puzzles in your childhood?

Answer – Yes I was a massive fan of playing puzzle games when I was a primary school student. Puzzles like, maze, word and number, jigsaw, words search had interested me a lot. I was in the habit of doing puzzles in the evening after completing my homework.

Q.2 When do you do puzzles during your trip or when you feel bored?

Answer – To be perfectly honest while traveling I never do puzzles, I love to listen to my favorite music instead. However when i am alone at home and i am feeling bored I play puzzle games in order to kill time and to improve my mood.

For alternate answers please watch our video on Youtube

Q.3 Do you like doing word puzzies or number puzzles? which is more difficult for you?

Answer – I definitely enjoy doing words puzzles because they match up with my expertise which is English. Besides they are an excellent way to enhance my English vocabulary. However I face a bit difficulty while playing number puzzles coz i am not that good at numbers. So I can say, Number puzzles seem to be a little tough/difficult for me.

Q.4 Do you think it’s good for old people to do puzzles?

Answer – Yes I reckon that it’s highly beneficial for elderly people to do puzzles as they can overcome boredom in their life. Moreover it’s a wonderful way to exercise their brain on a regular basis and stay mentally strong.

Outer Space & Stars Speaking Part 1 | IELTS Speaking


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