Question 1. Have you ever sent handmade gifts to others? IELTS SPEAKING PART GIFTS
Answer – Yes, I have sent many handmade gifts to many people, including friends, relatives, and family members, throughout my life on several occasions, like weddings, birthdays, and other parties.
Question 2. Have you ever received a great gift?
Yes, I have received many gifts throughout my life. As I really remember, last month I received a laptop from my father on my birthday.
Question 3. What do you consider when choosing a gift?
Answer – Mainly I consider two things while choosing a gift: first and foremost, my budget, as I am not earning yet, and second, the preference of the person for whom I am purchasing the gift.
Question 4. Do you think you are good at choosing gifts?
Answer – It differs from situation to situation when I buy something for a known person. At that time, I am good at choosing gifts because I know their preferences as well as their tastes, but for unknown personalities, I really find it difficult.