Describe an occasion when you helped a family member/relative with something

Describe an occasion when you helped a family member/relative with something

Describe an occasion when you helped a family member/relative with something

You should say:

When it happened?

Who you helped?

How you helped?

And explain how you felt about the experience?

Sample paper

Believing that we don’t need anyone’s help and we can do everything by ourselves is really a stupid thing. It is not possible to do everything alone. However, by helping each other, we can achieve everything. I am lucky that people connected with me are very helpful. I also try to help others whenever required. Here, I would like to talk about a time when I helped my little cousin in organizing a surprise party on his mother’s birthday.

He was in 5th std at that time and saved pocket money for his mother’s birthday. I was ASTONISHED to know that. I helped him choose a gift for his mother because being a girl, I knew what another lady would like, but mostly he wanted my help in cooking a sweet dish. Actually, I have good CULINARY SKILLS. Cooking DELICIOUS things  always gives pleasure to me. As he did not know how to cook, he approached me to help him.

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Describe an occasion when you helped a family member/relative with something

My aunt has A SWEET TOOTH. So, we made a list of sweet dishes which she loves to eat. In the end, we decided to cook Halwa. He did not want me to cook the dish. Instead, he wanted me to give him instructions so that he could cook it by himself. Even though it was his first attempt, he cooked tasty halwa.

He was really nervous about it because he wanted to impress his mother by giving such a sweet gift on her birthday. When his mother tasted that dish, she loved it. The smile on the face of both of them made me feel happy. My cousin showed GRATITUDE towards me for helping him surprise his mother. It really benefited my bro because he always wanted to cook something special for his mother.

Vocabulary and idioms used in cue card

Astonished: surprised

Culinary skills: related to cooking

Delicious: tasty

A sweet tooth: a great liking for sweet-tasting foods

Gratitude – the feeling of being grateful or of wanting to give your thanks to somebody


Describe a prize you have received recently (e.g. money, something valuable, a medal) IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a movie you watched recently

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