Describe a challenge you faced that you thought was rather difficult IELTS CUE CARD
You Should Say:
What it was
When and where it happened
How you handled it
Why you thought it was difficult
Sample answer
A challenge that I faced recently, which I found rather difficult, was improving my health. For a long time, I had developed some un- healthy habits-eating a lot of junk food, being lazy, and leading a sedentary lifestyle. As a result, I gained quite a bit of weight and started facing various health issues, like feeling tired all the time and even having trouble sleeping.
This challenge began about six months ago when I finally decided enough was enough. I wanted to take control of my health and fit- ness. I joined a gym near my home, and I also started eating healthier meals. Let me tell you, it wasn’t a walk in the park!
Describe a challenge you faced that you thought was rather difficult IELTS CUE CARD
The first few days were tough, and I felt like giving up because I wasn’t used to the physical activity and the sudden change in my diet. However, I knew that if I wanted to see results, I had to stick with. it. So, I kept pushing myself. Slowly but surely, I started noticing improvements. Within two months, I was feeling fit as a fiddle and had more energy than ever before.
The reason I found this challenge difficult was that breaking old habits is never easy, especially when it comes to food and exercise. But with persistence and determination, I managed to turn things around. Now, I feel much healthier and more confident, and I’m glad I didn’t throw in the towel!
1. Unhealthy habits-habits that negatively affect health.
2. Sedentary lifestyle – a lifestyle with little physical activity.
3. Gained weight-to increase in body weight.
4. Health issues – problems related to physical or mental health.
5. Taking control – to take charge or manage something.
6. Eating healthier meals – consuming more nutritious and balanced food.
7. Physical activity-movement that is carried out by the body to use energy.
8. Improvements – positive changes or progress.
9. Energy-vitality or strength to perform activities.
10. Breaking old habits-stopping long-standing patterns of behavior.
11. Persistence – the quality of continuing steadily despite difficulties.
12. Determination – the firmness of purpose; resolve.
13. Throw in the towel – to give up or quit.
Describe a challenge you faced that you thought was rather difficult IELTS CUE CARD
1. Fit as a fiddle – in very good health.
2. Walk in the park – something easy or straightforward.
3. Throw in the towel – to give up or admit defeat.