Describe an occasion when you heard someone complaining about something in a restaurant/store or other business places IELTS CUE CARD

Describe an occasion when you heard someone complaining about something in a restaurant/store or other business places IELTS CUE CARD

Describe an occasion when you heard someone complaining about something in a restaurant/store or other business places IELTS CUE CARD

Describe an occasion when you heard someone complaining about something in a restaurant/store or other business places IELTS CUE CARD


Describe an occasion when you heard someone complaining about something in a restaurant/store or other business places

You Should Say:

When and where it happened

What he/she complained about

What the result was

And explain how you felt about the experience

Sample Answer 1

Well I vividly recall an incident that took place a few months ago at a local restaurant in the heart of the city. It was a bustling Saturday evening, and the restaurant, known for its diverse cuisine, was crowded with diners. I was enjoying a pleasant meal with a friend when I overheard a woman at the adjacent table vehemently complaining about the slow service.

The incident occurred around 8:00 pm, and the restaurant, situated in the centre of the city, was known for its ambiance and delectable dishes. The woman, visibly agitated, was complaining about the extended waiting time for her order. She expressed her dissatisfaction with the service, emphasizing that such delays were unacceptable, especially on a busy weekend. The restaurant staff promptly addressed her concerns, offering apologies and assuring her that they would expedite her order.

Describe a time when you used a map

They also provided her with a complimentary dessert as a gesture of goodwill. The woman seemed somewhat appeased by the swift response and the complimentary offering, although her initial frustration was evident. Observing this incident, I couldn’t help but empathize with the woman’s frustration, as slow service can be disheartening, especially when patrons have high expectations.

However, I also appreciated the restaurant’s proactive approach in resolving the issue promptly and attempting to salvage the customer’s experience. It highlighted the importance of effective customer service in the hospitality industry. Overall, the experience left me with mixed feelings – understanding the customer’s frustration but also acknowledging the restaurant’s efforts to rectify the situation. It served as a reminder of the delicate balance businesses must maintain to ensure customer satisfaction in the face of challenges.

Describe an occasion when you heard someone complaining about something in a restaurant/store or other business places

Sample Answer 2

Well complaints are made because of substandard services and objects people sometimes receive. Talking about myself, normally I don’t raise complaints as I always try to be comfortable in every situation. This restaurant is within the walking distance of my house. It is known for its grand atmosphere and delicious foods. On that particular day my friend and I were eagerly waiting for our food. I noticed that a person at the adjacent table was also waiting for his order.

After some time he started complaining to the waiter about the delay in receiving his order. The waiter was fearful and felt a bit embarrassed. I thought that perhaps, this person is famished, that’s why he got impatient. When his food arrived, seeing it he became furious. He started yelling at waiter coz the waiter brought wrong order. He said that he is utterly dissatisfied with the service and will never visit this restaurant again in life. We tried to quieten him down but he was continually complaining.

Afterwards the restaurant staff informed the manager about it he immediately approached that customer. I must say, The manager was a benevolent person, he patiently talked to the customer and calmed him down. What’s more he apologized sincerely for the delay. Not only that but also the customer was offered a complimentary dessert. Explaining further, I felt sorry for the customer’s experience.

However he shouldn’t have spoken to the staff very rudely. I reckon that he should learn to be patient in life. On the other hand I appreciate manager’s courtesy as well as promptness. He cooled the customer down and resolved the issue in no time. Although this incident spoiled our excitement, i understood the situation and remained quiet.

Describe an occasion when you heard someone complaining about something in a restaurant/store or other business places

Sample Answer 3

In this CUT THROAT COMPETITION, UP TO THE MARK services are provided by companies to satisfy their customers, still people feel dissatisfied sometimes. Similarly, I am going to talk about one of the times when I heard someone complaining about something in a restaurant. I vividly remember, It happened about a month ago, when I went to a cafe which is located STONE’S THROW AWAY from my house, I went there with my parents so that I could HAVE A WHALE OF TIME with them.

At that time, unfortunately, the cafe was JAM PACKED and we had to wait for a few minutes to get a table. As we were sitting down, we noticed a man at the next table who BLEW A FUSE. He was talking loudly to the waiter, who seemed very apologetic and ON EDGE. The man complained that his order was wrong, that his food was cold, and that his coffee was too bitter. He demanded a refund and a free dessert as compensation.

The waiter tried to calm him down, but the man refused and loudly to the waiter, who seemed very apologetic and ON EDGE. The man complained that his order was wrong, that his food was cold, and that his coffee was too bitter. He demanded a refund and a free dessert as compensation. The waiter tried to calm him down, but the man refused and insisted on getting his money back. The waiter went to get the manager, who came and apologized to the man.

The manager agreed to give him a refund, but said that he could not offer him a free dessert. The man was still feeling DOWN IN THE DUMPS and continued to complain. He finally left the cafe, and slamming the door. I felt very sorry for the waiter and the manager, who had to deal with such a rude and unreasonable customer. The guy was making a MOUNTAIN OUT OF A MOLEHILL over an order. I also felt grateful for the TOP NOTCH service. I was SINGING THE PRAISES of this cafe UNDER MY BREATH.

Describe an occasion when you heard someone complaining about something in a restaurant/store or other business places

Follow Up

Q1. What do people usually complain about?

Answer – People complain about a number of things. One of them is that some people complain about the behavior of their employees as well as unhelpful staff, while others complain about the difference in the promises of the company and the delivery of the service. Moreover, some people complain about the pricing because people want everything under a low budget.

Q2. How do most people complain, in writing or by other methods?

Answer – These days, people are familiar with every type of technology, so mostly youngsters like to lodge a complaint on their official site, or sometimes they just call customer care to complain about the product or service.

Q3. How do people often respond to poor customer service?

Answer – It depends from person to person. Some people think responding to poor customer service is a waste of time, so they just ignore it, while others prefer to express their dissatisfaction by writing bad reviews about the product on their official website, and some people like to write complaints to their companies through email.

Q4. How would you react t if you received a at a restaurant?

Answer – To be honest, I am the type of person who doesn’t believe in creating scenes, so firstly, I would prefer to stop going to that place, and after that, I would write a review of their services on their official website so they can change it to improve their service.

Q5. Who are more likely to make complaints, older people or young people?

Answer – As per my perception, generation doesn’t matter here, according to me, it depends on the nature of the people. Both generations have different types of mentalities, so the people who complain about the bad services are those who are really dissatisfied and cannot tolerate the loss, as well as those who believe in justice and help others via realizing them their mistake.




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