You Should Say :
Who or what made the noise?
What the noise was like?
What you did?
How you felt about it?
Sample Answer
Well, in this day and age, finding a quiet place is hard not to crack. Although, I have experienced a lot of situations where the noise level was at its peak. But here I would like to talk about such an incident when something made a terrible noise. I vividly remember, it happened a year ago when my exams were around the corner.
Actually, there was a wedding in my family, but I had to study as the preparations and events were going. Therefore there was too much noise, so I decided to go to the library. For the first five days, my preparation was going well. But on 6th day when I started studying there, I heard a irritating noise. I looked everywhere, but I didn’t find anything.
But when I looked up, it was coming from a fan; actually, the blades were cracking with each other and producing the sound. It was a weird and intolerable noise. Due to that noise, I was unable to concentrate on my studies. Then I went to the manager of the library and told her the whole situation. After an hour, she called the mechanic and got it repaired.
Then, I started studying and passed with flying colours. If I talk about my experience, I would say that at first i was nervous and irritated, but after repairing, I felt calm and focused. To cap it all, would say this was the time when something bothered me a lot.
Question 1. What kind of places should be noise free?
Answer – I think the places where people come to have peace of mind that places should be noise-free, like parks, museums, libraries, and some educational institutions, where children prefer to stay focused in order to concentrate on their studies. Apart from that, the hospital is the place where there should be no noise pollution in order to provide rest to patients.
Question 2. What public morals/etiquette should people follow in your country?
Answer – In my nation, there are several moral values that people should follow at public places, like whenever they are at public places like bus stations or railway stations, they should not talk in a loud voice as it irritates the people. Moreover, people should throw the garbage in the trash can and avoid smoking, , as it affects the health of other people.
Question 3. On what occasions do people need to be quiet?
Answer – Yes, there are several locations when people need to be quite, like whenever there are sick people around them. Apart from that, whenever someone is trying to concentrate or whenever an important discussion is TS going on, or whenever people visit religious places.
Question 4. Can people bring children to these noise free places?
Answer – No, it is not good to bring children to these nose-free faces because they are curious and cannot sit quiet at one place for for a long time. Moreover, they are not enough mature to understand the situation around them. so they should not be allowed in such places.
Question 5. Why can’t people make noise in places like libraries and museums?
Answer – People are not allowed to make noise in the libraries and museums because these are the places where people come to have a piece of mind as well as want to concentrate on their studies. These places are made only for concentration, so that’s why they are not allowed to make any type of noise there.
Question 6. Do you think we should allow to make noise in public places? Children
Answer – Actually, it depends from place to place. If the place is designed to have fun, they should be allowed, but if the place is specially maintained in order to provide peaceful environment at that time, children should be encouraged to stay quiet.
Question 7. Is noise pollution serious in India?
Answer – Unfortunately, in India, noise pollution is increasing day by day for various reasons. First and foremost is transportation, as people love to travel from one place to another, which causes traffic congestion, as well as honking of horns that create noise pollution. Apart from that, these days people use several electronic gadgets that are made in industries, which create a lot of noise. Moreover, there are several functions organized in order to celebrate something, and at that time, loudspeakers create a lot of noise.
Question 8. Do you like to go noisy places?
Answer – Normally, I do not like to go to noisy places but sometimes whenever there is family gathering or wedding then I love to go such places to have fun with my near and dear ones.
Question 9. Where can you hear a loud noise?
Answer – I can hear a loud noise in every look and corner world. Some of them are public places where LTS of the announcements as well as advertisement and voices are heard. Apart from that, at home, there are personal functions organised in my neighbor, and traffic around the area makes me irritated to hear that.
Question 10. Do you think that there is more noise in people’s lives today than in the past?
Answer – There is no denying Conviction in this notion that there is more noise in people’s lives as compared to the past because in the past there were less vehicles as well as fewer industries, but these days a variety of vehicles can be seen on a small road, as well as more technological devices like machines, loudspeakers.
Question 11. Do you think that cities will become noisier in the future?
Answer – As the future is unpredictable, but by looking at the current scenario, there is a possibility that in the future, cities will become more noisy because technology will progress day by day and there will be more industries and technological gadgets