Describe a Popular Sports Place you have been to cue card

Describe a Popular Sports Place you have been to cue card

Describe a Popular Sports Place you have been to cue card

IELTS Cue Card

Describe a Popular Sports Place you have been to cue card

You should say:
– Where it is
– How often do you go there
– When did you go there
– And explain how you felt about this place


I was trying hard to think of a place for sports because in recent months i haven’t been to any sports place. My free time has been extremely limited so i hardly get time to visit any place for sports. But yes a few years back the sporting ground that i remember most vividly is Mohali’s cricket stadium that i visited.

Let me give you some background to the story first, If my memory serves me rightly, I went there with my best mate to see the live match. It’s an incredibly popular sports place in Mohali Punjab and booked up for weeks in advance. I guess there was a match between India and Pakistan when we pushed the boat out and saw the live match. Since we were cricket fanatics and booked tickets to see the environment of that sports place which is incredibly known for popularity in India.

Ielts speaking part 1 – Colours

When the moment of truth arrived and we headed over to the stadium. To be perfectly honest, the atmosphere was electric because it was jampacked with cricket lovers. Truth be told, the match was a nail-biter so everyone was excited to see the last over of the match. Eventually India won the match and the stadium started roaring with great excitement and happiness.

As for how i felt about visiting that popular place for sports, well, I enjoyed every second because it was a chance to see my favourite cricket players in the flesh. If money were no object, I’d be visiting all the well-known sports places in the world, especially in Australia. Anyway, hopefully, I will go there sooner or later to see other popular places for sports abroad.

Describe a Popular Sports Place you have been to cue card

Describe a time you were busy IELTS Cue Card

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Visitors Ielts Speaking Part 1

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