Describe a friend you like to talk with IELTS Cue Card

Describe a friend you like to talk with IELTS Cue Card

Describe a friend you like to talk with IELTS Cue Card


Describe a friend you like to talk with

You should say:

Who he is?

What you like to talk about?

Why do you like to talk with him?

And explain how you feel about him.

Sample Answer 1


Well friends are the spice of our life as food without salt has no taste similarly without friends life has no taste.

Here i am going to talk about my bosom friend, namely, Kulwinder, I love to be surrounded by him and interact with him. He is my childhood friend. We are born and bred in the same hometown. His house is within walking distance of mine.

Presently he is doing a job in a bank. He is really a generous and knowledgeable person. And if i have to tell you more about his personality then I’ll love to mention that, he is a nature lover, an avid reader and find it easy and enjoyable to interact with people from all walks of life.

Describe a friend you like to talk with

Interestingly we have a lot in common. Whenever we get together we enjoy talking about our childhood, current life, health, hobbies or future. Furthermore, speaking about why i enjoy to conversate with him, Firstly as he possess a go-getter attitude, he always motivates me too to be like that. Secondly he has supported me through every thick and thin. He is a trustworthy friend of mine so i never hesitate to share my personal matters with him and he never reveals.

Last but not least he has a profound knowledge of every topic, He not only listen to my problems but also comes up with wonderful solutions or ideas to help me to deal with them. Frankly speaking i don’t ever get bored while spending time with him, I have an extremely enjoyable experience every time instead. He is my guide and my role model. Finally i must i am exceptionally fortunate to have an amazing friend like him in my life.

Describe a friend you like to talk with IELTS Cue Card

Sample Answer 2


Well, true friends are those with whom we can share each and everything without any type of fear. I have numerous friends in my life but here I am going to talk about my childhood friend.

The name of my friend is Raman. We were studying till 12th standard. Actually after my primary education, I had changed my school. At that time, he came to my contact and slowly we became my friend. He’s still my best friend who has sharp mind. He’s not tall but looks like handsome.

His learning power is amazing. He learns everything very quickly. If I talk about nowadays, my friend and I always go together to watch movies to entertain ourselves. Whenever we get leisure period of time, we like to go library for enhancing knowledge. But nowadays he’s pursuing BBA so he hardly get time to meet with me.

I like all the activities of my friend because he has a great sense of humor and can turn any tense situation into a happy one by cracking jokes. Even he is not only good at studies but also participating in various national level sports. So, this is the person who is my childhood friend.

Describe a friend you like to talk with IELTS Cue Card

Follow up

1. Where do young people like to meet?

ANSWER – In this day and age, There are numerous places where youngsters love to meet their loved ones, like, pubs, clubs, restaurants, shopping malls, cafes, hotels, food outlets, gymnasiums, parks, stadiums, theaters and so on. They choose any place according to their interest or convenience.

2. What do young people talk about when they meet up?

ANSWER – I reckon their most favorite topics which they prefer to talk about are cutting-edge technology, fashion, celebrities, movies and sports. Moreover those who are studious, like to conversate about study. Furthermore sometimes future or favorite professions are also their topics of discussion when they meet up.

3. Do you think people should be honest when talking with friends?

ANSWER – Unquestionably people should be honest when talking with friends because honestly is key to building and maintaining trust and thus relationship becomes long lasting. But having has a habit of spilling the beans, then it would be better to hide the truth from him or her.

4. On what occasions do people talk with strangers?

ANSWER – Folks get opportunity to meet with strangers or have a talk with them when they are traveling, they are at a public place, at parties or weddings. Apart from this every now and then masses receive phone calls from a bank or a company at that time they talk with unknowns.

Describe a friend you like to talk with IELTS Cue Card

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