Describe a foreigner who speaks your native language (hindi) very well IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a foreigner who speaks your native language (hindi) very well IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a foreigner who speaks your native language (hindi) very well IELTS CUE CARD


Describe a foreigner who speaks your native language (hindi) very well

You should say:

Who this person is?

Where he/she is from?

How he/she learns Hindi?

And explain why he can speak Hindi well?

Sample Answer 1

Well, here I would like to mention about a foreigner who is exceptionally good at speaking Hindi she is one of my friend Sara whom I met through Instagram where I saw her video where she was speaking in Hindi. I was amazed by this. Sarah hails from the United States, which is quite far from India both geographically and culturally.

She was born and raised in New York City, and her journey to becoming fluent in Hindi is quite intriguing. Sarah’s interest in India and its culture started during her college years when she decided to take a course in South Asian studies. She was captivated by the rich history, diverse traditions, and the Hindi language. This initial spark led her to explore Hindi further. She started taking Hindi language courses at her university and was committed to mastering it.

Describe a foreigner who speaks your native language every well

What sets Sarah apart and enables her to speak Hindi so fluently is her dedication and passion. She immersed herself in the language and culture. She not only attended classes but also actively sought out opportunities to practice Hindi. She participated in language exchange programs, made friends with native Hindi speakers, and even spent a semester studying in India.

Sarah’s ability to speak Hindi well is a testament to her genuine love for the language and culture. She didn’t treat it as a mere academic pursuit; she embraced it as a part of her life. Her consistent efforts, combined with her genuine interest, allowed her to become proficient in Hindi. All in all, Sarah is an impressive example of a foreigner who speaks Hindi fluently.

Her commitment, passion, and immersive approach to learning the language have not only made her proficient in Hindi but also enriched her understanding of India’s diverse and vibrant culture. She serves as an inspiration for anyone looking to learn a foreign language deeply and authentically.

Describe a foreigner who speaks your native language (hindi) very well IELTS CUE CARD

Sample Answer 2


Well, learning languages plays an imperative role in everyone’s life in order to become multilingual. Although I know a number of foreign personalities who speak my native dialect very well. But here I would like to talk about a particular foreigner who speaks Hindi fluently.

He is none other than Mr. John. By profession, he is not only an actor but also a singer. By passion, he is a YouTube Blogger as he posts his travel videos there in Hindi language. Basically, he hails from the United Kingdom, but now he is residing in India. I came to know about him from a reality singing show where he was invited as a chief guest.

If I talk about his method of learning, he learned from a variety of sources. Firstly, he started learning Hindi from YouTube videos to comprehend the fundamental concepts. After that, he started watching Hindi movies with English subtitles to understand the pronunciation and meaning as well. Apart from this, he tried to converse with Indians in Hindi on several social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and many more on a regular basis.

Moreover, he is fond of listening to Bollywood music, which helped him learn this language. Furthermore, he has worked on numerous reality shows where he met many people who spoke in Hindi. When it comes to the question of why he can speak Hindi well, i would say he is an expert at it because he has been practicing this dialect continuously for the last 2 years with dedication. All in all, He is the person who speaks foreigner language fluently.

Describe a foreigner who speaks your native language (hindi) very well IELTS CUE CARD

Follow up

Question 1. What foreign languages Indian children learn?

Answer – Indian children study a variety of languages throughout their childhood, like English, French, Spanish, Italian, and many more, according to their needs and preferences.

Question 2. Why do Indian children learn English?

Answer – Indian children learn English because it is a major as well as a compulsory part of their syllabus, which affects their overall grades. Moreover, it is a medium of exchange for learning, education, and business these days. Apart from that, some children learn English because they want to move abroad for their higher studies.

Question 3. Why are so many people learning English?

Answer – I can assist children in learning languages through a variety of methods: first, I can enroll them in an institute or in an online course; second, I can also help them learn through various games like world jumble, puzzles and funny games to teach them vocabulary. Moreover, I can make them familiar with the basic concepts of English grammar.

Question 4. How can you help children learn English?

Answer – There are many reasons behind this. First and foremost, English is an international language that is used in every country to communicate with one another in every field such as education, business, so people get the chance to interact with various personalities by learning this language. Moreover, it also opens the door to various job opportunities like teachers, tourist guide, translators and many more. Furthermore, it also makes them familiar with different cultures. Apart from that, it is a good skill to develop the personality.

Question 5. Do you think the way people learn English today is the same as in the past?

Answer – No, there is a big difference between the learning methods of the past and the present if I talk about the past, people could only learn English through their schools or, in cities, there were limited institutes for teaching English, but now, there are countless platform available, like learning English by enrolling themselves into online courses as well as offline courses. Apart from this, there are various resources to learn like YouTube, Goggle and applications like Duo lingo.

Question 6. What are the benefits of the internet for people’s learning?

Answer – The internet provides a number of benefits to people. First and foremost, it provides a distance learning facility where people can learn from experts. Moreover, due to the internet, there are various social platforms available to interact with foreigners and improve communication skills. Apart from this, there are various applications available that provide information regarding any topic, from basic to advanced.

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