Describe a drawing/painting that you like IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a drawing/painting that you like IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a drawing/painting that you like IELTS CUE CARD


Describe a drawing/painting that you like

You should say:

When you first saw this painting?

What the painting is about?

Who drew/painted it?

And explain why you like this drawing/painting?

Sample Answer 1

Paintings help us to express our emotions and ideas in a different way. However, I would like to talk about a beautiful painting of Guru Gobind Singh ji, the 10th Guru of Sikhs. Actually, I visited Amritsar last year with by parents to pay obeisance in Golden Temple. So, I bought this painting from a Krishna Art Gallery because I had a wish from long time to buy it.

I would not tell you the price because it is kind of disrespect to it because the paintings of gurus are always priceless. It was painted by Mehtab Singh, a local artist of Amritsar. When I saw the painting for the first time, it grabbed my attention. It is framed so nicely. In this painting, Guru Gobind Singh ji is in a standing position with having a sword in one hand, which always reminds me to fight against the tyranny.

Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of

The sky is cloudy, and river flows on one side in the painting which really looks incredible. The water in the river has vibrant shade of sky blue, that makes the water so real. Some teachings of, guru gobind singh ji, are also written on the downside that be humble, be a saint and be a warrior.

The major reason why I love this painting is motivation that it gives to me everyday to succeed in my life. I would never give this to anyone as it gives me a lot of positivity. Whenever I feel low, stand in front of it and remember the sacrifices of Guru Gobind singh ji, which filled me with power and inspiration.

Describe a drawing/painting that you like IELTS CUE CARD

Sample Answer 2

Well i am a huge fan of art and craft. It has always been my favorite subject since the beginning of my school life. So, Here iam interested to talk about a fabulous painting that I received as a birthday gift from my bosom friend. Honestly this handmade painting is amazingly awesome.

My friend made it with his hands with the use of watercolors, colorful threads and cotton buds on a big art paper. In this painting there is a riverside village with a duck pond nearby and lush green fields around. Moreover there are some domestic animals. On the left side one lady is pulling water from the well. it is morning time and the sun is peeping through the mountains.

It is representing spectacular rural and natural beauty. Besides, it’s framed so beautifully with wood carvings and plastic paper. My friend has made it as perfect as possible. As this painting is out of this world, when I first saw it, frankly speaking I was left speechless. Explaining further there are a couple of reasons why this painting appeals to me greatly. Firstly, as iam nature enthusiast, Everything which is showing nature fascinates me a lot.

Secondly my friend has used my favorite colors like blue and green in most of the places and designed everything uniquely. Apart from this, I adore this piece of art since it was given to me by my closest friend. Whenever I see it it seems to be expressing my friend’s unconditional love and affection for me. On the top of it, it’s an incredibly lovely painting, adorning my room.

Describe a drawing/painting that you like IELTS CUE CARD

Follow up

Q1. What are the differences between painting and drawing?

Ans. Well, what distinguishes a painting from a drawing is that the former is the one which uses the colours whereas in the latter, the use of pencil or chalk is made. Apart from this, drawing is a simpler and painting on the other hand involves complexity

Q2. Why do some people keep a painting for a long time?

Ans. I believe that the biggest reason behind keeping the paintings for a considerable amount of time is the respect for art. Moreover, the painting also serve as the reminder of the place from where they were brought in the form of a souvenir and the sentiments with which they were bought.

Q3. How does building style affect people’s lives?

Ans. The architectural design has direct effect on the lives of the people. Those who live in the congested areas are devoid of many facilities which the ones living in well-ventilated houses can avail. The availability of proper sunlight, open area as well as the garden make people open-minded and optimistic.

Q4. Should children learn to draw and paint? why?

Ans. Of course yes. There is no denying the fact that drawing and painting let the children improve their imaginative power which further assists in boosting their cognitive ability. They become more creative and improve the way they understand the world around them clearly.

Q5. How do young people share arts with others?

Ans. There are a number of ways in which the budding artists can reach the ones who appreciate their art such as volunteering to teach the art to the young children as well as organising exhibitions. However, the most popular one now a days is the social media platform where they can post their work and meet huge audience.

Q6. Do you think the objects we use in our daily lives should be beautifully designed?

Ans. oh yes. I do believe that the articles of daily use must be crafted giving them aesthetic touch as in tis way they not only beautify our surroundings but also make us optimistic by creating a positive aura around us.

Describe a drawing/painting that you like IELTS CUE CARD

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