Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of IELTS CUE CARD


Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of

You should say:

What the task was?

How you completed it?

Why the task was difficult?

Sample Answer


Well, doing difficult tasks is essential in everyone’s life in order to know about strengths and weaknesses. Although I have performed countless tasks throughout my life, some of them were easy as pie while others were hard as rock. But here I would like to talk about a particular challenging task that I did during my school days and felt proud of.

It happened three years ago when I used to study in my senior secondary education. The task was none other than public speaking. If I talk about the occasion, there was an annual function in my school, and my teacher gave my name for a speech on social issues without my consent, as I was good at my English accent. I completed it step by step. Firstly, I saw this topic on YouTube. After watching 10 to 15 videos, I found the content useful.

Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of

Then I started practicing in front of a mirror and with a group of my family members to boost my confidence. On the annual function day, during speech, my legs were shivering and my voice was cracking, but I gave my 100% and won the award. When it comes to the question of why it was difficult for me, there are mainly two reasons. The prominent one is that I failed to deliver a speech twice in the past.

And the other one is that I had only two days to prepare. I felt proud of myself after completing this task because I overcame my fear and made my teacher and parents proud of me as well as I won their faith. All in all this was the daunting task that i accomplished proudly.

Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of IELTS CUE CARD

Follow up

Question 1. What are the things that make people feel proud?

Answer – According to my perception, it varies from age to age, as children feel proud when they score high grades in their exams or win any competition, while youngsters feel proud when they get their desired job, when they get promoted, or when they achieve their targets. Moreover, older folks often feel proud when their children or grandchildren respect them and make achievements in their fields.

Question 2. Do people often feel proud of themselves when they complete a difficult task?

Answer – Of course, completing difficult tasks provides them with a sense of accomplishment because they work day and night to meet the goals. Moreover, it motivates them to work harder and not give up in thick and thin situations.

Question 3. What challenges do young people face today?

Answer – These days, people face a plethora of challenges. The prominent one is competition, as everyone is working hard to stay ahead, so there are fewer job opportunities. Secondly, it has become hard for youngsters to purchase the basics as the price of everything is increasing day by day. Apart from this, they have a shortage of time as they have more academic pressure, which is weakening their family relations and health as well.

Question 4. How do young people handle difficult or challenging tasks?

Answer – Young people handle difficult situations according to their comfort level, as some prefer to discuss the matter with family members or friends for guidance, while others prefer to seek assistance from the internet, as there are numerous platforms available to provide assistance, such as Google, YouTube, and many more.

Question 5. What kinds of rewards do people receive from work?

Answer – Actually, it depends on the size of the company. If I talk about the big companies, they reward their employees by offering foreign vacations, monthly incentives, and multiple awards. On the other hand, small companies give rewards in the form of appreciation awards like employee of the month.

Question 6. What are the most difficult jobs that people do?

Answer – Well, every job is difficult if it is not done properly. However, as per my view, the jobs of army officers and police officers are more difficult as they deal with new criminals every day. Moreover, the jobs of doctors and teachers are also challenging, as these professions directly impact the lives of millions of individuals.

Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of IELTS CUE CARD

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