Describe your favourite food at a traditional festival or a special event in your country IELTS CUE CARD

Describe your favourite food at a traditional festival or a special event in your country IELTS CUE CARD

Describe your favourite food at a traditional festival or a special event in your country IELTS CUE CARD


Describe your favourite food at a traditional festival or a special event in your country

You should say:

What it is

At which festival/event you eat it

How it is made

And explain why you like it

Sample Answer

One of my all-time favorite foods is a traditional Punjabi dessert known as “kheer”, which is essentially a type of rice pudding. I first tried it at a local food festival that takes place annually in my hometown. This festival is a big deal as it brings together food vendors from different states, each offering their traditional delicacies. It’s a real feast for the senses! I make it a point to go every year because it’s a fantastic opportunity to try a variety of dishes.

Last year, I sampled many delicious items, but what really caught my eye, or should I say, my taste buds, was the rice pudding. The rich, creamy texture and the subtle sweetness were simply divine. It’s made using a very traditional method, with rice, milk, sugar, and sometimes a few aromatic spices like cardamom or saffron.

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What makes it special is that the ingredients are pure and natural, giving it an authentic taste that’s hard to find elsewhere. The dish was cooked to perfection, and I could really taste the love and effort that went into making it. I like this dish not just for its taste, but also because it brings back childhood memories of special family occasions,

where Rice Pudding was often served as a treat. To me, it’s not just a dessert; it’s a reminder of my roots and cultural heritage. In short, the combination of the festival atmosphere, the variety of traditional foods, and the authentic taste of the Rice Pudding make this experience truly unforgettable for me.


1. All-time favorite: Consistently liked or preferred throughout time.

2. A big deal: Something of great importance or significance.

3. Feast for the senses: An experience that pleases all the senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch).

4. Caught my eye: Something that attracts attention or interest.

5. Taste buds: Sensory organs on the tongue that detect flavors.

6. Cooked to perfection: Prepared in the best possible way, achieving the ideal result.

7. Pure and natural: Ingredients that are unprocessed and not artifcially altered.

8. Divine: Extremely pleasing or wonderful.

9. Reminds me of: Brings back memories or evokes thoughts of something.

10. Roots and cultural heritage: One’s origins or traditions from their cultural background.

11. Unforgettable: Something that is so memorable that it is hard to forget.


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