You Should Say:
What is that game?
Who you played it with?
Where did you play the game?
And explain why you enjoyed playing that game?
Sample Answer 1
Childhood is the golden phase of life. The memories of childhood always remain a great refuge for a person throughout the life. Although like everyone else I too have played ample games in my childhood but the one I am going to share here used to provide me a great sense of joy.
It was making the sand house. I very well remember that our house remained under construction for three years. During that time, the piles of sand were commonly lying in the open area of our house. Then my cousins Ekam, Nimrat, Agam and I played a lot with the sand.
We kept one of our feet in the sand and covered it with by pouring more sand onto it. Then we pressed it until it hardened. The next thing to do was to take out the feet in such a way that the sand might not get a crack on it, sometimes we were successful and sometimes our attempt went futile as we drew the foot out of it. Another interesting thing to do was to stick a flag made of paper on it.
The main competition was the stability of the sand house. The one whose house endured to stay for long was considered to be the winner. It is a pleasure to recall that sometimes we picked up the fight and broke the sand houses of one another.
Apart from this, sometimes we played dolls too. These sand houses used to become the houses of our dolls and we made the dolls visit one house after the other. We played this game till late made the dolls visit one house after the other. We played this game till late evening despite the scolding of our parents.
Now all my play mates are busy in their lives but whenever we have a get together, the mention of this game never fails to bring nostalgic memories and is the best one to recall
Sample Answer 2
Well, during my childhood, sports played a significant role in my life which not only brought me immense joy, but also helped to keep fit and well being. I used to participate in a plethora of games, including, hide-and-seek, chess, cricket, football and so on.
What is that game?
But here today I would like to talk about my most favorite childhood game is Badminton, creating fond memories that still bring a smile to my face. Honestly speaking, I don’t exactly remember which year I started playing this game but when I was in grade 5 during the time I was introduced with this game because my father gifted me a set of two rackets along with shuttlecock.
Who you played it with?
I often played badminton with my family members and neighbors.
Where did you play that game?
We would gather in our backyard and sometimes head to the local park, setting up a makeshift court using ropes or chalk to mark the boundaries. The park provided a larger space, allowing a greater sense of competition.
And explain why you enjoyed playing that game?
I still remember, one hilarious incident occurred when we played badminton that left us all laughing uncontrollably. My younger brother, who insisted to make an impressive shot, but accidentally released his grip. The racket soared through the air, spinning wildly, and landed on top of a tree branch. We couldn’t help but burst into laughter. Such moments like this made this game extremely enjoyable.
Another good memory of this sport is, on my school’s sports day, I participated in a badminton competition. I was part of a team representing my class. We played matches against other classes, showcasing our skills and teamwork. After an intense tournament, our team emerged victorious, winning the first place.
And explain why you enjoyed playing that game?
The moment of triumph was incredible, and we were awarded a prize by the school as recognition of our achievement. It was a proud and exhilarating experience for all of us. So badminton was a game I adored or loved during my younger days. It was full of excitement with the funny incidents that added laughter to the game, and the victorious feeling of winning a school competition made it a cherished part of my childhood. The game provided both physical activity and opportunities for social bonding, leaving me with fond memories that I still treasure today. Overall it was a game that I enjoyed in my childhood life.
Follow up
Q1. What games do Indian children play now?
Ans. Well, it is the sorry state of affairs that majority of the Indian children are inclined to play digital games nowadays. They are more interested in playing aggressive games on mobile phones such as free fire, pub g et cetera. Moreover, Minecraft is another popular game in which the children take keen interest. Apart from this, among the outdoor games, cricket, volleyball, basketball and badminton enjoy their preference.
Q2. Do boys and girls play different games?
Ans. The thin line of difference between the choices of male and female children is gradually evaporating. They equally participate in the games which I have mentioned earlier. Some games like boxing, are considered to be the hard games but some girls love to pursue that too.
Q3. Why do children in kindergarten play games?
Ans. The kindergarten is mainly aimed at holistic development of a child’s personality. Playing games here ensures imbibing the skills of planning. Organising and getting along well with others. So, the kids this way, inculcate the desired qualities.
Q4. Should games only be interesting or only to learn?
Ans. As far as my views in this respect are concerned, I strongly feel that it would be praise-worthy if two bird are hit with one stone. Games directed at teaching are the best way which entertain as well as teach the child simultaneously without a conscious effort. When a child plays in a team, he not only enjoys himself but also learn the skill of cooperation.
Q5. Is winning important in games?
Ans. Not at all. I believe that playing the game merely for winning is restricting one’s spirit to a narrow perception. It doesn’t matter whether one wins or loses, the most pertinent thing is to play the game for the sake of playing without any sort of rivalry or ill-will. Hence, one must enjoy the real bliss of playing rather than pressurizingoneself with the worry of defeating others.
Q6. Is it more satisfying to win in a team than as an individual?
Ans. I feel both have their own importance. When one wins as an individual, it brings the sense of achievement as the efforts have borne fruit. On the other hand, winning as a team has a charm of its own. It is the result of the combined endeavours of all the team-members and the shared joy always doubles the happiness.
- Why are some people bad losers?
Ans. Frankly speaking, it shows a narrow mindset. The people who always win find it hard to embrace failure. They grow addicted to success and react aggressively on being face to face with defeat.
- Immense – extremely large or great
2) Plethora – a large or excessive amount of something
3) Grade – class
4) Head – to to go in the direction of, to go towards
5) Makeshift- temporary
6) Chalk – a rock or a similar substance used for writing or drawing
7) Hilarious – extremely amusing ( Funny )
8) Soared – fly or rise high in the air
9) Emerged – coming out of something or out from behind something
10) exhilarating -making one feel very happy
11) Cherished-bringing the pleasure of love or caring about someone or something