Describe an old person who taught you a new activity when you were young
Describe an old person who taught you a new activity when you were young
You should say:
Who the person was?
What the activity was?
How they taught you?
How you felt about it?
Sample Answer
I vividly remember when I was a child, I had a burning desire to learn how to ride a bicycle. Most of my friends already knew how to cycle, and I felt left out. Naturally, I turned to my grandfather for help. He was not just a retired schoolteacher but also someone who had a knack for teaching with patience and encouragement.
To begin with, my grandfather took me to a local shop and bought me my very first bicycle. I still remember how thrilled I was to see its bright red color and shiny handles. After that, he decided to dedicate his time to teaching me. Initially, he explained the basics, like how to sit properly, hold the handles firmly, and use the brakes. On the first day, he held the bicycle’s seat tightly to help me balance.
Describe an old person who taught you a new activity when you were young
I was a bit scared and shaky at first, but his calm voice and encouraging words gave me confidence. Slowly, I started pedaling, and within two to three days, I could ride without his support. Whenever I fell, he would uplift me, both physically and emotion- Dally, and remind me that falling is just part of learning.
This experience was truly amazing. Not only did I learn a new skill, but it also strengthened the bond with my grandfather. Cycling be- came an activity I loved, and I still cherish those moments spent with him. The whole process taught me perseverance, patience, and the importance of having someone believe in you.
1) Burning desire: A strong passion or interest.
2) Knack for teaching: A natural ability to teach well.
3) Dedicate his time: To give full attention and time to something.
4) Encouraging words: Supportive and motivating statements.
5) Physically and emotionally: In both physical and emotional ways.
6) Cherish: To hold something dear or close to heart.
7) Perseverance: The ability to keep going despite difficulties.
Idioms & Phrases
1) Left out: Feeling excluded or not part of something.
2) Falling is just part of learning: Mistakes are a natural part of the learning process.
3) Strengthened the bond: Improved the relationship.