Describe a website which helped you to do something IELTS CUE Card

Describe a website which helped you to do something IELTS CUE Card

Describe a website which helped you to do something IELTS CUE Card


Describe a website which helped you to do something

You Should Say:

Which site is it

How did you know about it

How it helped

Why do you visit it often?

Sample Answer 1

Well in this technological era, websites have become an indispensable part of human’s everyday life. There are countless websites which people use regularly for different purposes. Talking about myself I use plenty of websites from time to time but here i am interested to talk about a fabulous website, namely, Youtube which I visit very frequently.

I’ve been using this website for donkey’s years. I came to know about it from my bosom friend, he told me that YouTube is the largest vedio-sharing site on which one can upload and view vedios of any kind. So, on his recommendation I started to use this website after making an account and I was greatly surprised to see its innumerable benefits. To be perfectly It has helped/assisted me in numerous ways.

For alternate sample answer please watch our video on Youtube

Firstly whenever I have a hard time understanding anything related to my study, I took assistance of this site and get solution of my every problem in no time. Moreover I watch movies and funny vedios in my leisure time which eliminate my boredom and make me feel cheerful. Apart from this, it helped me in cooking, I am able to cook several delicious dishes by watching cooking vedios on it. Hence, it’s fruitful to me.

I visit it very often as it keeps me updated with the latest content regarding every topic.

Additionally i watch comedic vedios on it on a regular basis to entertain myself and feel food. Finally I must say, This is a marvelous website, everyone should visit it for getting numerous benefits.

Sample Answer 2


Needless to say, there are a plethora of websites which we use nowadays. These websites are advantageous for us. Today i would like to talk about a website which i often use.

The name of that website is I came to know about this website from my friend during my graduation. At that time i had to complete my assignment and i had some doubts regarding this. Then my friend suggested me to use this website. So, i watched many videos on you tube related to my assignment and finally i completed my work.  From that day, i use it regularly. I watched movies, reality shows on it.

Whenever i feel stressed out then i listen to music on this website. Apart from this, when i download any new app on my mobile phone, at first i check all the ins and outs of new app on you tube. Moreover, it is helpful in cooking, Eariler, honestly i did not know how to make a cup of tea but now because of it i make many dishes. I always watch new recipes of different kind of cuisines, it really developed my interest in cooking. In addition to this, It is not only helpful for me but also beneficial for my family.

I subscribed many channels which give important information related to national as well as international news. As a matter of fact, my father is a farmer. so, when he needs any information related to agriculture, first i search on you tube like which fertilizer is effective for which crop. In my opinion, it is called problem solving website. Last but not least, Being a sports fan, i love to watch sports events on it. So, it is my favourite website and i use it regularly.

Describe a website which helped you to do something IELTS CUE Card

Follow up

Question 1- What are the most popular and least popular apps in your country?

Answer- In this contemporary era, Instagram, Snapchat, and WhatsApp are more renowned because youngsters are too addicted to use these kinds of applications. They upload their pictures, and videos and also share reels on these websites. Apart from this, YouTube is the most popular app because every student can get academic information from it. I think some gaming applications are the least popular because nobody has enough time for them.

Question 2- What is the difference between the internet and TV?

Answer- The first significant difference between TV and the Internet is the variety of information that we can obtain through them. On the internet, people can search for anything whenever and wherever they want anytime. However, on tv, they have to watch TV shows at specific times. Besides this, the internet allows people to post their reviews but television doesn’t..

Question 3- Why do some people like to read news on the internet instead of getting it from TV?

Answer- The first benefit they get by watching or reading news on the internet is they can read anytime and anywhere. Therefore, it’s extremely convenient for them as compared to TV. Another benefit is they can search for any news on the internet in which they have an interest. And online news reaches several people.

Question 4- Are libraries still beneficial? Why or why not?

Answer– I must believe that libraries are still important for students because they provide a serene environment to them so that they can put their proper efforts and dedication towards their studies. They help individuals to expand their network and become a part of a community Moreover, libraries have a collection of books so students can read whatever book they want to read.

Question 5- What kinds of people still like to go to the library to study?

Answer- Most people find it hard to concentrate at home due to some distractions so that is the main reason why they love to go to the library where they can get a peaceful environment. Moreover, whenever students do study on their mobile phones, sometimes notifications can distract them. For this reason, they prefer libraries.

Question 6- What is difference between the old and young in regards to internet use?

Answer- I think in this contemporary era, both youngsters and old people are using the internet but sometimes for different purposes. Youngsters are now using it for their academic purpose and to entertain themselves such as they upload pictures and videos. However, old people use the internet for some religious matters.

Question 7- Can internet help the children in study?

Answer- Well, technology is increasing in every field of life. So, I must say that the internet provides numerous educational platforms such as YouTube and google where students can search for whatever they want to learn. Moreover, the unacademy application provides additional learning platforms for students.

Question 8- Will downloading music or movies for free cause a problem?

Answer- Well, it is illegal to download any music or movies that are copyrighted. It will cause a problem. It can affect the sale of this music and movies also. But it cannot be stopped. People can find an easy way to download it.

Question 9 – Some people say that different age groups have different tastes on the internet content. What do you think?

Answer –Obviously yes, choices regarding internet content depend on the age factor. Students and youngsters love to use the internet for watching educational channels and to entertain themselves. Children love to watch cartoons and comedy shows. Apart from this, old people use the internet for watching religious channels and sometimes for entertainment as well.

Question 10- What influence can the internet have on children?

Answer– Some people still have traditional beliefs and most poor people do not have access to the internet so they do not know about what is happening around them. They do not have any knowledge of how to use technology and how it benefits us in many ways.

Describe a website which helped you to do something IELTS CUE Card

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