Describe a time when you did a lengthy calculation without using a calculator IELTS Cue Card

Describe a time when you did a lengthy calculation without using a calculator IELTS Cue Card

Describe a time when you did a lengthy calculation without using a calculator IELTS Cue Card


Describe a time when you did a lengthy calculation without using a calculator

You Should Say:

When was it?

Where was it?

How did you?

How did you feel about it?

Sample Answer 1


Doing lengthy calculations without a calculator or any other device is not an easy task, but it can be a useful exercise to sharpen our mental math skills. I recall a time in high school when I had to solve a complex math sum without the aid of a calculator. It was during a math exam that I was given a tricky math sum to solve.

The question was tremendously lengthy, and I knew that using a calculator would be time-consuming. Instead, I decided to break down the problem into smaller parts and simplify each term using some basic rules.I started by solving the question with some of the old tricks taught by one of our teachers. I carefully worked through each step, double- checking my work and ensuring that I had not made any mistakes. It was a nerve-racking process, but I was single-minded to solve the problem without relying on a calculator.

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Once I had completed the calculation, I felt a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. It was a challenging problem, and I was proud that I had been able to solve it using mental math techniques.I also realized that by doing the calculation manually, I had gained a deeper understanding of the concepts and principles involved in solving maths questions.


In conclusion, doing a lengthy calculation without a calculator can be a challenging but rewarding experience. It requires a combination of accomplishment and nostalgia. It also highlights the importance of developing mental math skills and the value of being able to solve problems without relying on technology.

Describe a time when you did a lengthy calculation without using a calculator IELTS Cue Card

Sample Answer 2


As technical devices have become an indispensable part of our everyday life, we do calculations with the help of these devices in no time. However, sometimes we have to use manual power to do it. One such instance i am going to describe in this cue card.

it didn’t happen recently, it happened donkey’s years ago when i was a school student. Actually it was my sister’s marriage, some days before the marriage my father wanted me to write down all the marriage expenses in a detailed way and calculate them. Unfortunately my calculator stopped working as it was broken. Moreover my phone’s battery got drained, therefore I was unable to take assistance of my smartphone phone too.

So, I decided to use my mental power to do this work. I took a pen and pencil and started to write the things according to my father’s instructions. Afterwards I calculated all the expenses using my knowledge of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Our teacher taught us better approaches to do long arithmetic calculations. I followed those ways in order to reduce error rate while doing calculation. It took approximately 2 hours to finish this task. Honestly speaking it was not a piece cake for me as I was in the habit of doing calculations with the aid of my calculator or smartphone

. . But having said that I felt on the top of the world when I rechecked it later with my phone. Additionally I was absolutely delighted because it helped me perform and enhance my mental power. So this was the occasion when I did a lengthy calculation without depending on a calculator.

Describe a time when you did a lengthy calculation without using a calculator IELTS Cue Card

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