Describe a Story or a Novel that was Particularly Interesting to you IELTS Cue Card

 Describe a Story or a Novel that was Particularly Interesting to you IELTS Cue Card

 Describe a Story or a Novel that was Particularly Interesting to you IELTS Cue Card


Describe a Story or a Novel that was Particularly Interesting to you

You should say:

What story or the novel was?
Where you came to know about it?
When you read it?
Explain how you felt about it?

Sample Answer

I have heard a lots of stories or novels in my childhood and still sometimes i like to listen from my parents and grandparents. Here, today I am going to talk about a story which i found interesting. It is the story of ‘Thirsty crow’. I came to know about this meaningful story form English book when i was in 6th standard.

I read it in 6th class first time, when i was preparing for English exam, it was part of syllabus. this is very popular among Indian culture, especially in Northern India. It is about a crow who was very thirsty and the day was very hot. He flew here and there in the search of water. At last, he reached in a garden and saw a pot there. unfortunately, there was a very little water in it, he couldn’t drink it. But he didn’t upset and though a plan. He brought some pieces of stones and put into pot.

For alternative answer watch this cue card’s sample answer on our Youtube channel

Slowly, water rose up. He drank the water and flew away. The moral of the story is never losing hope until your last try. However, I listened lots of stories from my parents and grandparents which gave me lots of life lessons. All in all, that story gave me motivation to reach on destination without worrying about the situation. so, this is a story which I found fascinating.

Describe a Person You Know who is From a Different Culture

Describe a time when you had a disagreement with someone

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