Describe a prize you have received recently (e.g. money, something valuable, a medal) IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a prize you have received recently (e.g. money, something valuable, a medal) IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a prize you have received recently (e.g. money, something valuable, a medal) IELTS CUE CARD

You Should Say:

What the prize was

How you won it

How you felt when you received it

Why this prize was special to you

Sample Answer

One prize I received recently was a gold medal at a district-level athletic meet. I participated in the 400-meter race, which is one of the most challenging events in track and field. Sports have always been a passion of mine, ever since I was a child, and this race was something I had been working towards for quite a while. To prepare for the event, I trained rigorously for four months. I made a strict workout plan and practiced daily to improve my speed and endurance.

I also focused on my diet, making sure I was eating healthy and maintaining my stamina. When the day of the event finally arrived, I was both excited and nervous. The com- petition was fierce, and I knew I had to give it my all to have a chance at winning. During the race, I pushed myself to the limit, and when I crossed the finish line and realized I had come first, I was over the moon.

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Describe a prize you have received recently (e.g. money, something valuable, a medal) IELTS CUE CARD

It felt like all my hard work had paid off. I remember standing on the podium with the gold medal around my neck; it was a moment of pure joy. It was as if I was walking on air! This prize is incredibly special to me because it represents my dedication and perseverance. There were moments during training when I felt like giving up, but I kept pushing myself.

Winning the gold medal was not just about being the fastest; it was about proving to myself that I could achieve my goals if I stayed focused. It was the cherry on top after months of blood, sweat, and tears. Looking at that medal now always reminds me that with hard work and determination, anything is possible.


:1. Athletic meet-a sports event where athletes compete in different track and field activities.

2. Passion-a strong enthusiasm or interest in something.

3. Rigorously-done with great effort and discipline.

4. Workout plan-a structured exercise schedule to improve fitness or performance.

5. Speed and endurance-ability to run fast and sustain physical activity over a period of time.

6. Stamina-the strength or energy to keep going, especially during a physically challenging activity.

7. Competition-the act of competing against others.

8. Fierce – strong or intense.

9. Pushed myself to the limit-exerted maximum effort.

10. Podium – platform where winners stand to receive awards.

11. Perseverance-persistence in doing something despite difficulty.

12. Dedication-commitment to a task or purpose.

13. Focused-having clear goals and working towards them with concentration.

14. Hard work and determination-putting in consistent effort and staying motivated to achieve success.

15. Achieve my goals-to reach or accomplish what one has aimed for.


1. Over the moon-extremely happy or pleased.

2. Give it my all-to put in maximum effort.

3. Pushing – myself to the limit to make the greatest possible effort.

4. Walking on air-feeling extremely happy or ecstatic.

5. Cherry on top-an additional good thing on top of something already great.

6. Blood, sweat, and tears-hard work and effort over a long period of time.


Describe a movie you watched recently

Describe a party that you enjoyed

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