Describe a Popular/ Well-known person in your country IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a Popular/ Well-known person in your country IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a Popular/ Well-known person in your country IELTS CUE CARD


Describe a Popular/ Well-known person in your country

You Should Say:

Who this person is?

What he/she has done?

Why he/she is popular?

And explain how you feel about that Person?

Sample Answer


Well i am familiar with numerous renowned personalities from different fields in my country.

But here i am interested to talk about one of the illustrious persons, namely, Priyanka Chopra, she always grabs the attention of others. She is not only a famous Indian actress but also a goodwill ambassador. Moreover she is the queen of social media.

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She has gained a huge international popularity. Explaining further, Priyanka was a talented girl since her childhood Originally she had a desire to become an engineer. Before proving her mettle in acting field She worked as a model and won the Miss World Title in 2000.

Afterwards she accepted offer to join the Indian Film Industry. She played a leading role in countless movies. I have watched many of her movies. With the help of her hard work, determination, high morale she became worldwide well-known Lady. Presently she is one of the highest paid and most popular celebrities of India. Lastly as for how I feel about this person, I have the greatest admiration for such wonderful personality.

She is a great symbol of new age for women across the globe. She keeps on saying, there is no alternative to hard work. Besides she is an eloquent speaker I have heard many of her inspiring speeches in life and I got motivation from them.


Now I will end by saying, I have a strong desire to meet her and take a selfie with her.

Describe a Popular/ Well-known person in your country IELTS CUE CARD

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