Describe a person you know who has chosen a career in the medical field IELTS Cue Card

Describe a person you know who has chosen a career in the medical field IELTS Cue Card

Describe a person you know who has chosen a career in the medical field IELTS Cue Card


Describe a person you know who has chosen a career in the medical field IELTS Cue Card

You should say:

Who he/she is

What he/she does

Why he/she chose this career

And explain how you feel about him/her

Sample Answer

When we like our job, nothing feels like a burden and we enjoy every bit of life. I have met A PLETHORA OF people who chose the job in which they were passionate about. However, I am going to talk about a person who has chosen a career in the medical field. He is my neighbor KB. He is a dermatologist. He chose this career because of his mother. He told me that his mother had skin issues due to sensitive skin. As a kid, he often saw her mother using various creams and getting disappointed with her skin.

Moreover, his mother used to take a lot of medicines but could not get rid of skin problems. He wanted to make her mother happy. Therefore, one day, he tried to find a solution on the internet. It created his interest in the medical field. He found the INS AND OUTS of the skin types when he was just a PRE-TEEN. He continued reading about this stuff on the internet. Since he had ELEPHANT’S MEMORY, it was easier for him to learn new things.

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His ENTHUSIASM also helped him in CRACKING the medical entrance exam. Now, he is a RENOWNED dermatologist. He not only helped his mother diagnose her issues but also assisted many patients in understanding their problems. Instead of prescribing plenty of medicines, he always tries to find alternative dieting options to MITIGATE skin issues. He believes we can heal our skin by making changes in our daily routine.

Unless the issue is very serious, he recommends trying a new routine for certain days. His suggestion almost always works. Apart from this, he shares these tips on Instagram as well and has earned more than 100k followers. I feel proud to know such a person who genuinely cares about his patients. I hope I also become passionate about my career and become well- known in my field.

Vocab and idioms used in this cue card:

1) A plethora of a lot of

2) Ins and outs: all the details

3) Pre-teers: age between 10 and 12

4) Elephant’s memory: to remember easily and for a long time

5) Enthusiasm strong excitement and interest

6) Cracking the exam: to get a good score

7) Renowned: Famous

8) Mitigate: to make something less serious


Describe a person who likes to read a lot IELTS CUE CARD


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