Describe a movie you watched recently

Describe a movie you watched recently

Describe a movie you watched recently

You Should Say:

When and where you watched it

Who yo watched it with

What it was about

And explain why you watched this movie

Sample Answer

Good movies not only entertain us but also inspire us to change our PERSPECTIVE towards life. There are A PLETHORA OF movies that are released every year, but there is one movie that has impressed me so much that I want to watch it again and want all my KITH AND KIN to watch it so that they can also learn an important Life lesson from it. That movie includes Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone and is titled Tamasha. Even though it was released in 2015, I got a chance to watch it Last Sunday.

Actually, that day neither my internet connection was working nor had any important thing to do. So, out of boredom, I decided to watch a movie on television. The start of the Tamasha movie seemed quite interesting to me. Thus, I decided to continue watching it. As it impacted me positively, I want my friends to learn a life-changing lesson from it. In that movie, the way Ranbir Kapoor expressed the condition of youngsters is really outstanding.

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Describe a movie you watched recently

He shared that how instead of following dreams, today’s generation has become a robot that works on instructions and doesn’t enjoy life. The same thing is true with my friends. Instead of spending free time doing RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES, they have become STUDIOUS. I know that studying is important, but humans also need free time to relax; otherwise, it can negatively impact their health.

My friends don’t even visit new places once a year, I really want them to learn valuable lessons from that movie and start balancing different aspects of their life. Thus, I want to watch this movie again with my friends and want to know their reactions. I will be more than happy if they get inspired by that movie and start making important changes in their life.

Vocab and idioms

Perspective – your opinion or attitude towards something

Plethora – A of a lot of

Kith and kin – friends and relatives

Recreational activities – activities for enjoyment

Studious – (used about a person) spending a lot of time studying


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