Describe a difficult thing you did IELTS CUE CARD
Describe a difficult thing you did
what it was?
How did you complete it?
Why it was difficult?
And how you felt about doing it?
Sample Answer
Challenges stimulates growth in a way that good times don’t. Difficulties are important part of life that make us learn, gives us experiences, and help us to become wiser. I have conquered numerous difficult situations in life or daunting tasks in my life.
Here, I would like to talk a difficult thing that I did in my school days. It was none other then winning the swimming Competition at the school level or inter district. When I was in third standard my dad not only asked me to participate in the swimming competition but also wanted me to win the competition. At that time, I had no clue about how to swim. At first I wanted to say no to my dad but I didn’t. I took on the challenge and wanted to make my father proud.

Describe a difficult thing you did IELTS CUE CARD
After few days I took admission in a swimming academy near my house and started taking professional coaching from Rohan sir. I only had six months to prepare for the competition. My coach made a training regimen for me which I followed properly. I used to wake up 4.30 in morning and reached the academy by 5.15. The training part wasn’t easy at all for me because my body wasn’t used to do hardcore exercises. Moreover, managing both swimming and academics was a challenge for me. To be honest, there were moments when I wanted to quit but somehow I managed and kept going. With every session I was getting better at swimming and more importantly I was gaining confidence too.
After six months of sheer hard work and discipline I became confident of winning the competition. Before the competition my dad and my coach gave their best wishes to me. With their blessings and relentless hard work of mine I won the swimming competition and was as happy as Larry. I felt proud of myself for what I achieved. I must say I would not have been able to win the competition without the support of my father and coach. In the end I would say doing challenging tasks is a must-have attribute to gain success in life.