Describe a course that you want to learn/study you would like to do in future IELTS Cue Card

Describe a course that you want to learn/study you would like to do in future IELTS Cue Card

Describe a course that you want to learn/study you would like to do in future IELTS Cue Card


Describe a course that you want to learn/study you would like to do in future

You should say:

When you want to learn?

Where you can learn it?

What this course is?

And explain why you want to learn?

Sample Answer 1


Well, learning different types of things and skills play a part and parcel (important) role in an individual’s life. In our daily life, we can learn numerous things from our kith and kins. So here I would like to talk about a course that I want to learn in the upcoming days.

It will be a French language course. Apart from this, I am the kind of person who believes in learning and it is a never-ending process. I developed my interest in the French language during the period of lockdown when I explored myself. One of my friends also suggested one youtube channel to me from where I would love to learn about it.

For alternate sample answer please watch our video on Youtube

The name of that channel is Learn French with Sam and Ash. I would feel happy if I will take coaching from them in the next month because nowadays I am planning to go abroad for my further studies and I believe that this language will help me a lot there. My friend also told me the method of teaching Sam and Ash would be impressive for me because they are giving their best tips and tricks to their students.

Moreover, I usually use YouTube and I will follow learn french with sam and ash channel on YouTube very soon. Even though I know some words of French, I am not an expert. So this is the French course that I would love to learn about it because it will not only beneficial for me in my studies but also in getting employment opportunity.

Describe a course that you want to learn/study you would like to do in future IELTS Cue Card

Sample Answer 2

It would be unfair not to mention the fact that learning is a never-ending journey. We are in a continuous cycle of learning new things. I have always been interested in purchasing new courses to improve my skills. Here, I would like to talk about the most interesting course about fitness.

he name of the course is importance of healthy lifestyle. My cousin shared me the link on email to buy this course. There are some reasons why I want to enrol in this course. First of all, there is a 50% discount on this course, and lifelong access is included with the purchase

Talking about the main features of the course, it covers the nutrition requirements for staying hale and hearty. Additionally, a balanced diet is crucial to maintain the health. Furthermore, the course not only discusses the meals but also demonstrates how to prepare them at home.

I just acquired a gym membership, and this course will undoubtedly help me reach my objectives. Finally, I would conclude that this exercise course is one of the best learning courses to enjoy the healthy lifestyle.

Describe a course that you want to learn/study you would like to do in future IELTS Cue Card

Follow up

1.) What’s the most popular thing to learn nowadays?

Ans. According to my view point, time management and money management are the most important things that every person should know. Because doing work on time makes us punctual, boosts our productivity, and better work-life balance. Budget planning helps to reduce inessential expenditures that will be beneficial for the future. Apart from this, public speaking skills are also extremely essential.

2.) At what age should children start making their own decisions? Why?

Ans. I think it should depend on the decision. When the decisions are complex and complicated, like choosing a major, parents should advise but let children make the final decision. Whenever they enter into their secondary school, parents should let them make their own decisions which are based on their interests and comfortable life.

3.) What influences young people more when choosing a course, income, or interest?

Ans. I think nowadays for young people, both interest and income are important whenever they choose a course. However, it depends on the person’s choice and preference. Because some people want to give their parents a comfortable life so they can choose better pay jobs instead of their interests. On the other side, some give preference to their interest and passion over money.

4.) Do young people take their parents’ advice when choosing a major?

Ans. Yes, young people should take their parents’ recommendation when choosing a major because they are role models for their children’s life. Even young people also have the knowledge that their parents have more experience and knowledge than compared to them. Parents should advise them but let them decide the rest of the decision so that in future they can understand the consequences of their own decision.

5.) Besides parents, who else would people take advice from?

Ans. Apart from parents, teachers are also role models in students’ life. Teachers help to guide a student in choosing a career when students discuss a career at school with the teacher, it helps them to gain knowledge through a curiosity that builds up while listening to the teacher.

6.) Why do some people prefer to study alone?

Ans. According to me, some individuals like to study alone because they need a serene (peaceful) environment so that they can concentrate properly. Apart from this, they can also understand the concepts and topics clearly with their proper efforts and dedication.

7.) Should schools teach both arts and science?

Ans. I think both subjects arts and science are extremely important in school because from science and technology, students can learn about the fundamental knowledge means about new technologies. And art gives them relaxation from academics and it also brings out the hidden talent of a person.

8.) What kinds of courses are useful for university students?

Ans. It depends on the interest and preferences of the university students when they choose courses. Every course has its importance. There are a lot of courses available such as marketing, finance, management, business, and many more in University but yes it relies on the student’s choice.

9.) Why do some students dislike studying at school?

Ans. Some students don’t like studying at school because there is a lack of freedom, as well as some, are not interested to go school. Some students like more challenging work but in some schools, when they do not provide it, so they hate to go to school.

10.) What school activities are good for school children?

Ans. There are numerous extracurricular activities such as sports, scouts, art, theater, music, and community service that are the best for the development of children. Apart from this, there are various competitions available such as debate competitions, art competitions that also enhances their confidence.

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