Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant/shop IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant/shop IELTS CUE CARD

Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant/shop IELTS CUE CARD


Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant/shop

You should say:

When and where it happened

What happened

How it was solved

And explain how you felt about the experience


I’d like to talk about a recent experience I had with bad service in a restaurant. It occurred about two months ago when I went to a Italian restaurant in my town called “Italian cafe”. Even though the review for this restaurant on internet were average but still we decided to give it a try. My friends and I had made a reservation for a special celebration, as he got his dream job and we were quite excited about it.

However, upon arrival, things started to go downhill. First, we were made to wait for nearly 30 minutes despite having a reservation. When we were finally seated, it took another 20 minutes before a server came to take our drink orders. To make matters worse, when our food finally arrived, it was not as per our order. My friend’s vegetarian pasta had shrimp in it, and my pizza was completely burnt. We tried to get the attention of the wait staff, but they seemed overwhelmed and inattentive.

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Feeling frustrated and hungry, we decided to speak to the manager. Surprisingly, even the manager seemed disinterested and offered no immediate solution. It was a disappointing experience, especially since we had high expectations for the restaurant. In response, we decided to pay for the drinks and left the restaurant without eating the main course.

We left a polite but constructive feedback note, highlighting the issues we faced apart from this we also complained about this issue to the the owner of this restaurant and he ensured us that he will take strict action. This experience left me feeling disappointed and taught me the importance of effective communication in customer service. It’s crucial for businesses to listen to their customers’ concerns and take immediate action to rectify any issues to ensure a positive dining experience.

Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant/shop IELTS CUE CARD

Sample Answer 2


Well Customer service plays a crucial role in the success of a business. There have been a few times in my life when I received terrible service at different places like, restaurant, hotel or shop. And From that time onwards I never felt like visiting these places again in my life. Here I’ll talking about a time when I visited a restaurant and i felt dissatisfied with the service I received.

I vividly remember it happened last year my family members and I decided to eat out. We went to a newly built restaurant that is within the walking distance of my house. We all were super excited about having a meal at a new place. Moving ahead the moment we stepped in the restaurant I saw an overflow of customers over there. We hardly got a table, this made me feel a bit disappointed. Afterwards we ordered our favorite food items and requested the waiter to serve food as soon as possible because we were starving. On the contrary it took a long time to deliver our order.

It was somewhat acceptable since there were so many customers to deal with. But our excitement turned into infuriation when we noticed that the waiter brought us the wrong order. Immediately we called him and requested to bring right order. Instead of solving our problem he got engrossed in other activities. After waiting for some time we approached the manager and explained everything to him. I must say, He was a generous person. he was all ears when we were discussing our problem.

After hearing it, he not only apologized us for the bad service but also assured us that we would receive our favorite food within a couple of minutes. Apart from this we were offered a complimentary dessert. Explaining further, initially I felt extremely angry but later, the benevolent manager calmed me down. Therefore it was neither a good nor a bad experience. However, from then on I never preferred to visit this restaurant again.

Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant/shop IELTS CUE CARD

Follow up

Q1. How do most people respond to bad services?

Answer – According to me when folks receive bad service, most of them might feel unhappy or frustrated. They may talk to the person providing the service to express their concerns or ask for a solution. Some people might also share their bad experiences with friends and family or write reviews online to warn others about the bad service as well as reach out to higher authorities.

Q2. Do you think services are better now than in the past?

Answer – Services nowadays are generally considered better as compared to the past because of advancements in technology,higher standards and competition in market. With modern technology, services can be faster and more convenient. However, some people might still think that in the past, services were more personal and caring compared to today’s more automated and impersonal approach.

Q3. What kind of services are bad services?

Answer – Well I believe not all services can be considered as bad services, only when a particular service fails to fulfill its offering than we can call it a bad service. For example if a restaurant does not serve good quality food or delays the service, it can be called as a bad service.

bad service received restaurant

Q4. Why do some people choose to remain silent when they receive bad services?

Answer – Well it all depends on a person’s nature and approach one take to address issues. Certain individuals opt to remain silent because they think it is a waste of time to complaint against bad service. They think it might lead to unnecessary argument which they want to avoid.

Q5. As a boss, what would you do to prevent bad services?

Answer – If I was a boss i would take certain key measures to reduce any bad service to my customer, firstly I would make sure that everything is well organised and the staff is trained well to handle all the requests. Also, I will train them to be polite with the customers.

Q6. Who should be responsible for bad services?

Answer – To be very honest I think it depends on the situation but mostly the person who is providing the service should be held accountable because it is their duty to make sure that customers are not should be their first priority to improve customer satisfaction and deliver best service possible. However sometimes due to miscommunication customer can also be responsible for getting bad service.

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