Question 1. Do you like chatting with friends? chatting speaking part 1
Answer 1 – Yes, I enjoy chatting with my friends, as it is an excellent way to stay connected with them.
Answer 2 – Yes definitely. I chat with my friends when I am free. It helps me keeping in touch with them.
Question 2. What do you usually chat about with friends?
Answer 1 – Mostly, I prefer to discuss several things with them, like day-to-day happenings, jobs, personal life, and family, but sometimes I also discuss movies and games.
Answer 2 – Well it depends. If the festive season is round the corner, then our topics are centred mainly on dresses, decoration and eatables. In case, it is the exam time, then we mostly chat about study topics. Otherwise, the discussion of the routine matters remains our preference for chatting.
Question 3. Do you prefer to chat with a group of people or with only one friend?
Answer 1 – Actually, it depends on the topic. If I talk about normal things, then I prefer group chat; otherwise, for serious discussions, I favour one-on-one conversations.
Answer 2 – Being a shy and introvert person, I don’t express myself much in the group. Mostly, I like to chat with my close friends only.
Question 4. Do you prefer to communicate face to face or via social media?
Answer 1 – Being a student, I am busy with my hectic schedule, and all my friends reside in different locations; therefore, I prefer socializing more.
Answer 2 – If I have to choose between the two, I would certainly go for in person communication. It is because direct communication is far better as compared to the online as we can express our thoughts and emotions directly. Moreover, there are lesser chances of misunderstanding in face-to-face interaction.
Q5. Do you argue with your friends?
Answer 1 – Like everyone else, it is quite common for me to argue. A do not have same type of thinking. So, arguments start over petty matters. But I always take care that the arguments remain healthy and don’t hurt anyone.