1. What kinds of things are boring to you?
SAMPLE ANSWER 1 – There are plethora of things that make me feel bored/jaded such as being stuck in a jam, waiting in a line, listening to long-winded speeches or doing something that i am not interested in.
SAMPLE ANSWER 2 – Well, there are ample sorts of things that are boring for me like long conversation on a single topic, history subject in study and study alone at home are boring for me.
2. What will you do when you feel bored?
SAMPLE ANSWER 1 – I do plenty of things in order to get rid of boredom and feel energetic. But it depends on where i aim. For example if i am out of my house, i prefer to listen to music on my smartphone or have a natter. And if i am home i love to do a couple of exercises, have a cup of coffee something delicious for me or watch television.
SAMPLE ANSWER 2 – I try to busy myself in another work & watching reels on Instagram is one of the best ways for me to avoid boredom.
boring things ielts speaking
3. What was the most boring thing you did when you were young?
SAMPLE ANSWER 1 – Well, i don’t have a memory like an elephant so it’s hard for me to answer this question. But as my mom tells me that i was a painfully shy child, I think i must have felt extremely bored while attending any part, wedding or religious programs.
SAMPLE ANSWER 2 – To be honest, the seminar of history that i attended in my alma mater. Seriously, it was an uphill task for me to attend that seminar but it was mandatory for my final result.
4. Do you think school is boring?
SAMPLE ANSWER 1 – Definitely not, at school one spends some time having fun with friends, doing extracurricular activities along with studying. It’s boring for those who have a hard time focusing on study, presenting confidently or making friends.
SAMPLE ANSWER 2 – Not at all, even meeting friends is one of the great thing which gives inner complacency. But if i talk about school subjects, then history is quite boring for me.